Questions, Feedback or Complaint?
At Humdrum we value feedback and we support your right to make complaints. Constructive feedback allows us to improve our practices and resolve issues with participants, support workers, therapists and other stakeholders. Feedback and complaints are best provided in writing so that we are able to respond in a structured way and have records of your thoughts/ideas and our responses/actions.
If you have any questions to Humdrum, please feel free to reach out to us on (08) 6500 0256 or send an email to You can also visit us at 123 South street, Beaconsfield 6162, WA.
What do I do if I am not able to/comfortable with submitting a written report?
We acknowledge that written communication is not suitable for everyone and Humdrum facilitates feedback and complaints to be managed via other methods such as phone calls, face to face meetings and video chats. In these instances, a Humdrum employee will take notes of your feedback during the conversation. Please note that you can also leave anonymous feedback by checking the "anonymous" box on the form.
What do I do if I am not happy with Humdrum’s resolution?
If you have a concern about Humdrum's supports or services, it's important to talk about it. Anyone receiving NDIS supports or services can make a complaint about an NDIS Provider. If you want to make a complaint about please lodge a complaint to the NDIS quality and safeguarding commission.
Your family or friends can talk to the commission on your behalf. The service is completely free and independent. The commission will need to know who is involved, what you are not happy about, what you want to happen, and some information about you. With this information, we will work with you and your NDIS provider to resolve your complaint. The commission recommends that you call our complaints line directly on 1800 035 544. Even if you’re not sure yet if you want to make a complaint, The commission can provide advice and information to help you decide what you want to do. There are many ways to make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:
•Call on 1800 035 544
•Fill out the complaint contact form and the commission will contact you
•Use TTY on 133 677
•Use National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544
•Use an interpreter.
Submitting complaints can be stressful/feel hard and a great way to receive support to manage complaints is to contact an advocate. An advocate is a trained professional who support or work on behalf of a person with disability to support you to speak out and defend your rights and interests as well as sort out complaints, issues and problems. Advocates take direction from the person with disability, keep their issues and information private and confidential and only release information with permission from the person. We recommend reaching out to Advocacy WA or MIDLAS to access external and independent advice